Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Study of Ossification Centres Around the Elbow and Wrist of Adolescent Aged 15 - 19 Years at a Tertiary Care Centre

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Sharad Kumar Agarwal, 2Tariq Wali


Introduction: Legal punishment and crimes are entirely based on the criminal responsibilities and age of the person. The crime against the children and adolescent and crime by the children and adolescent are increasing hugely in this modern era where technologies are improving greatly. Evaluating the bone age in skeletally immature patient gained importance for therapeutic decision-making, and the knowledge about the skeletal development forms the basis for the results interpretation. In Adolescence, the age of appearance of the ossification centers of their elbow has a relatively well-established chronological sequence which are documented in literature: humerus capitulum, radius head, medial or internal epicondyle, humerus trochleaand lateral or external epicondyle

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