Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on clinical profile of cases with organ phosphorus poisoning at a tertiary care hospital

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1Dr. Nagaraj M Bhat B, 2Dr.Sharanappa G Pattanshetty, 3Dr. Divya Chandra, 4Dr. Manoj Chandra M.C


In India OPC intake is the commonest method of suicide (40.5%) after hanging (49%).Hospital-based data suggest that barbiturates and copper sulfate were the commonly used agents for suicide in the years, 1972-1977; however, later they were replaced by OP compounds and aluminium phosphide. Organo phosphorus insecticides are responsible for as much as 75% of all poisonings in our country today. Observation method of primary source of information in the department of general medicine at. Secondary source of information from published articles, journals, books, case sheets, discharge summary, related websites are used in planning, developing, synopsis and during dissertation as supporting document. In our study, subjects predominantly had GI symptoms. 56% had pain abdomen, 42% had vomiting, 24% had Diarrhea, 26% had Sweating, 21% had Fasciculation and 15% had Bradycardia.

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