Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Communication Strategy of The Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism in Revitalization the Water Park Cave Sunyaragi Cirebon City, Indonesia

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Farida Nurfalah


Communication strategy is one of the efforts of sunyaragi area management that needs them to reach the desired destination to convey information about the existence of tourist attractions to the community, so that prospective tourists know and are interested in visiting tourist sites. The identification of problems in this study is as follows: 1). How are communication strategies conducted the department of youth, culture, sports and tourism in the water park cave sunyaragi cirebon?, 2). How are the communication strategies conducted constraints department of youth, sports, culture and tourism in the water park cave sunyaragi cirebon?. This study method uses qualitative descriptive studies. the selection of informants using purposive sampling is to the manager of tourist attractions using data triangulation techniques. The results explained that the communication strategies carried out by water park Manager sunyaragi ranging from audience recognition, composing messages, determining methods, and selection of media used even more than visitor posts on their social media add to the promotion of tourism and also in media specially made disporbudpar. The obstacles faced by the Disporbudpar, that there is still a lack of public awareness of tourist attractions and the maintenance of tourist attractions if exposed to mushrooms due to cold weather.

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