Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: Evaluation and Management

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1Dr Sadhna Tiwari, 2Dr Sana Tiwari, 3Dr Anil Tiwari


Aim: To determine the presentation of patients diagnosed with NSTIs and the inhospital patient outcomes (including antibiotic treatment, surgery, and mortality) associated with this disease. Material and methods: The study was prospective cohort study conducted from February 2020 to February 2022in patient’s admitted in the department of general surgery through outpatient department/Emergency/transferred from other departments.Case of NSTI were included in the study. Viral marker for HBsAg and HCV were tested prior to surgery and informed consent for HIV testing was taken prior to HIV test.The patients were underwent debridement on the basis of extension of the infection. Tetanus vaccine was given to each patient followed by intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. Local or general anaesthesia was used according to its merit in each case. Skin was incised mainly till fascia or depending upon the depth of infection, drainage of pus and debridement of soft tissue.Patients were followed up for 1 month post-operatively with daily aseptic dressings till healthy granulation tissue appears followed by soft tissue coverage by flap or grafting and the data was collected as per the Performa attached and the data collected was tabulated and subjected to the study. Results: It was seen thatcomorbidities like burns(p value =0.039) and cardiac diseases(p value=0.043) had statisticallysignificant association with the outcomes.A statistically significant association was seen among systemic symptoms likehypotension (p value= 0.003), and laboratory investigations like increased creatinine (pvalue=0.002) with the outcomes.

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