Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients with hepatitis C infection

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Dr.(Maj.) Rakesh Saxena1 , Dr Mahendra Singh


Background: HCV is often accompanied by significant medical and psychiatric co-morbidities that can complicate the course of illness. Some of the more common co-occurring disorders that have received empirical attention include depression, substance use disorders (SUDs), and chronic pain.Aim of the study: To study prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients with hepatitis C infection. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Psychiatry in the Medical Institute. For the study, we selected patients whose blood work was positive for antibody to HCV and have the presence of HCV RNA confirmed by the use of PCR. A total of 50 patients were selected for the study. For the evaluation of psychiatric disorders in the patients, the patients were given a questionnaire to complete. Results: A total of 50 subjects were included in the study. 35 subjects were male and 15 subjects were female. Mean age of the patients was 46.23 years. We observed that 9 patients had bipolar disorder, 15 patients had schizophrenic psychosis, heavy alcohol use was seen in 21 patients, PTSD was seen in 14 patients, substance use was observed in 19 patients and depression was seen in 33 patients. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that patients with hepatitis C infection have high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, the most common psychiatric disorders in hepatitis C patients are depression and heavy alcohol use. The quality of life of the patients are significantly affected by the psychiatric disorders

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