Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Psuedoaneurysm Arising from Branch of Subclavian Artery- A Rare Entity

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Srivenkatapratap1 , Preeth Pany2 , Dilip S Phansalkar


Background:Subclavian artery vascular lesions are rare and can present with catastrophic complications. Pseudo aneurysms can develop in subclavian artery and represent less than 5% of all vascular lesions. They are usually seen secondary to trauma or iatrogenic procedures. We present a rare case of pseudo aneurysm arising from branch of subclavian artery with imaging findings and followed by intervention. A 47 year old female came with complaints of swelling in the right supraclavicular region for 3 months which was gradual in onset and associated with mild pain there is no history of significant trauma or recent invasive procedures and No significant surgical history, No co-morbidities present.Ultrasound of the neck done elsewhere showed a well-defined heterogenous vascular lesion in the right supraclavicular region showing arterial wave form on colour Doppler and CT angiography was suggested for further evaluation and patient referred to radiology department. Management options include both surgical and less invasive procedures. Surgical procedure remains a challenge and generally requires either a sternotomy or supraclavicular / infraclavicular approach and Risk of significant blood loss and injuries to adjacent neurovascular structures can occur. Various methods of endovascular treatment includes coil placement, covered stents, injection of Polyvinyl alcohol particles, gel foam and endoluminal thrombin injection. Pseudoaneurysm is a important vascular abnormality to be recognised by imaging and Potential complications carry high morbidity and mortality rates. Early diagnosis and intervention can prevent potential complications and Endovascular management offers a safe and effective option with faster recovery.

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