Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Retromolar Foramen and its Clinical Significance in Dry Human Manbibles

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Bhaskaran Sathyapriya1 , Purushothaman Lakshmanan2 , Govindarajan Sumathy3* , Ramachandran Tamilselvi4 , Sindhuja Devi Sandrasekhar5 , Muthiah Saravanan


The retromolar foramen is considered as an anatomical variation and is located in the region of retromolar area. Its content is derived from the arterioles and venules of inferior alveolar nerve. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical importance of the retromolar foramen in dry human mandibles. The study was conducted in 30 dried mandibles from the Department of Anatomy at Sree Balaji Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. In each mandible, the area behind the last molar tooth was carefully inspected for the presence of retromolar foramen. The parameters like retromolar foramen side, distance between retromolar foramen and posterior third molar, distance between anterior border of ramus and retromolar foramen and the distance between retromolar foramen and lingula of the mandibular foramen were analysed and measured with a digital calliper to the nearest millimetres. Retromolar foramen was found in 6 of 30 mandibles of which 3 on the right side and 1 on left side and 2 bilaterally. The distance between posterior third molar to the retromolar foramen was found to be an average of 8.23mm on the right side and 7.86mm on the left side. Distance between anterior border of ramus to retromolar foramen was found to be an average of 5.68mm on the right side and 5.77 on the left side. The average distance measurements between the retromolar foramen and the lingula was 15.18 mm on the right side and 15.11 mm on the left side. Care should be taken not to damage the neurovascular bundle passing through the retromolar foramen during routine anaesthetic, surgical and implantation procedures of the mandible

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