Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Significance of Serum Samples for Protein Studies

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Pushpalakshmi Gangadharan1 , Ananthi Sivagnanam2 , Balasankar Thangasamy3 , Ambika Pushparaj3 , Premkumar Karunakaran4 , Raja JeyaSekar R5 , Megala Jayaraman*6, Pushparaj Arunachalam*7


Serum proteins also known as blood or plasma proteins are proteins present in blood that serve many different functions, including transport of lipids, hormones, vitamins, and minerals in the circulatory system and the regulation of acellular activity and functioning of the immune system. Other blood proteins act as enzymes, complement components, protease inhibitors, or kinin precursors. Although serum proteins have very high concentrations, they exhibit an uneven distribution in terms of composition. That is, only about 22 proteins account for 99% of all the serum proteins. These include serum albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen. The remainder 1% of blood proteins is composed of low abundance circulatory proteins, as well as proteins secreted by live, apoptotic, and necrotic cells. Most blood proteins are secreted by the liver and intestines except for the gamma globulins, which are synthesized by the immune system. In this study we aimed to analyse the serum samples taken from gastric cancer patients and compared with healthy serum samples. We estimated the serum samples using Bradford method of protein estimation and performed SDS PAGE analysis. This article highlights the importance of serum sample collection, handling and storage with respect to consideration towards protein-based studies using serum samples.

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