Online ISSN: 2515-8260

To evaluate the effect of local infiltration of Ropivacaine 0.75 % and clonidine in post operative pain management of total knee arthroplasty

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Dr. Amit Gavali, 2Dr. Hemant S Dambale, 3Dr. Nitin D Waghchoure, 4Dr. Shrikant M Upasani


Introduction: Pain is constant companion for human. There is perhaps nothing as dreaded as pain. Pain is the ultimate teacher. It alerts the body to disease. Depending upon the intensity and duration, it impacts quality of life. Pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a big concern in orthopaedics. Although opioids and continuous epidural analgesia remains the major option for the postoperative pain management of TKA, they have undesirable side effects like sedation, nausea and hypotension. Epidural catheterization is skilful and technically demanding procedure with close monitoring. Infiltration of local anesthetic solution minimizes pain at the source superiorly. It has short learning curve, no systemic side effects, no infection, level of motor block is none, early mobilization and cost effective. There is not much study done on combination of Ropivacaine and Clonidine as a LIA.

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