Online ISSN: 2515-8260

To evaluate the fundus changes in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia

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Dr. Tania Sadiq , Dr.Saima Sadiq , Dr.Erum Khateeb


Aim: To evaluate the fundus changes in patients withGestational hypertension,preeclampsia oreclampsia. Methods: All the patients who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of Gestational hypertension, preeclampsia or eclampsia(>20 weeks of pregnancy, high arterial blood pressure of more than or equal to 140/90 , proteinuria more than or equal to 300mg/day or protein creatinine ratio more than or equal 30 mg/mmol or evidence of maternal organ dysfunction or uteroplacental dysfunction , convulsions or coma) were included in this study. After taking history for any eyesymptoms, anterior segment was examined with torch light on the bed itself. Both pupils were dilated with 1% tropicamide eye drops and fundus examination was done by ophthalmologist with direct ophthalmoscope in a semi dark room in the ward. Hypertensive retinopathy changes seen in right or left or both eyes, was taken as positive findings in that patient.

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