Online ISSN: 2515-8260

“CREATE” Triggering Model for Improving Stop Open Defecation Behavior

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Heru Subaris Kasjono, Khambali, Krisdiyanta, Agus Kharmayana Rubaya


Based on the program that had been implemented with community empowerment approach through triggering activity, the progress result of STBM (Community Based Total Sanitation) has not yet reached the target (62,5%, in 2015), and also still far from the 100% target of sanitation universal access in 2019. This is due to the slowness of behavior change of open defecation free (ODF). Results of monitoring and evaluation of post-triggering activity from some areas showed that the “traditional” existing triggering concept which is used by governments as the effort for changing community’s defecation behavior, in fact needs relatively long time to give effect. Therefore, a more comprehensive strategy is needed for implementing the alternative solution on that problem, especially for ODF as the first pillar of STBM. This study proposed an alternative of triggering model, which is called CREATE, abbreviation for Creative Resources Essentials and Tools for Emergencies. The model is a creative idea rooted from the community itself (and subsequently is perfected by facilitators), in the forms of professional creations (poster, leaflet, t-shirt, song, etc) and a commitment that is developed from mutual agreement. The objective of the study was to understand the influence of CREATE triggering model on the improvement of ODF behavior and willingness. The study employed randomized post-test only control group design, with 180 respondents as the study sample, taken from three areas, i.e. Muntilan, Surabaya, and Jambi, which were chosen purposively. The study results shows that CREATE triggering model affects and improves ODF behavior and willingness, even though could not yet reach 100%. Based on the study results, the government and STBM facilitators are advised to implement CREATE triggering model for STBM activities, as well as to develop the model for other health programs.

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