Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Bilateral Optic Disc Edema As Initial Presentation In Case Of Unilateral Vestibular Schwannoma – A Case Report.

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1. Dr. Pravin.k.tidake 2. Dr. Neha bajpayee


Abstract : We report a case of 55 year old male who presented in ophthalmology outpatient department with complaints of diminution of vision along with headache and giddiness since 20-25 days from presentation. Patient was initially examined in ophthalmology department , and his fundus showed bilateral papilledema. Patient intraocular pressure was within normal limit. Optical coherence tomography(OCT) of patient suggested increased retinal nerve fiber layer thickness.Patient was then send to neurosurgery for second opinion , where he was advised CT scan and MRI with contrast of brain . Later , the scan confirmed the lesion in left cerebello pontine angle with dilated bilateral lateral ventricles and third ventricle suggestive of secondary hydrocephalus. Patient had no complaints of diplopia, it was not associated with facial palsy. Patient complaint of on and off tinnitus. Vestibular shwannoma is benign and slow growing tumor and ophthalmic manifestation occur in later stage when diagnosis is missed early. Left suboccipital craniotomy and subtotal excision of left vestibular schwannoma was performed and patient was followed up.

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