Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Effects Of Sowing Dates On The Growth And Yield Of Maize Crop

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P. P. Shete1 , Y. G. Kasal2 , L. Kakkar3


Abstract: Maize is a tropical grass that gets well adapted to many climates and hence has wide-ranging maturities from 70 days to 120 days. Maize plants are erect and may grow as tall as 3m, with little tillering capacity. The scientific name of Maize is Zea Mays, also commonly known as Corn. The main aim of this research is to test the hypothesis that the impact of different dates of sowing on crop growth and yield of Maize. Best sowing dates provide favourable temperature to obtain maximum yield. Early and late sowing is done to grow the Maize crop of different varieties at 10 days interval. Early sown crop mature early than those sown later. Early sown crop reduced from the different types of injuries like drought and diseases other environmental factor like rainfall, temperature, humidity. Dose of fertilizers were used in all plots to enhance the yield and growth of Maize. On the behalf of this research work we conclude that the different dates of sowing like early sowing and late sowing give crop growth and yield of Maize.

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