Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Enhanced Ntru Public Key Crypto System Using Ear Feature Extraction

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1A.Poornima, 2Dr.D.Maheswari


Distributed computing environments have become a cost-effective and popular choice to achieve high performance and to solve large scale computational problems. Computers are interconnected through network to serve huge number of applications and achieve high performance. With growing rate of internet occupied a big percentage of network traffic. Secured load balancing leads to secured communication between client, load balancer and server in the network and also optimizes the server’s performance. This research aims at improvising two vital factors namely security and load balancing in heterogeneous clustered web servers. The environment in which heterogeneous of different types of request (video, voice, email) are handled. With the implication of digital certificates intrusion attacks are possible leads to packet drop and causes security breach. Dynamic keys are generated to provide more secured communication. This leads to more computational cost. To overcome this situation, each request it is encrypted using NTRU encrypt public key crypto system whose public and private keys are obtained by the corresponding user’s Ear Feature extraction and representing them in the format of RNA sequence. This strongly highlights the strength of security in clustered web servers.

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