Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Health Effects OfCovid- 19 Across The Globe -A Review

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SachinAditya B1 ,JothiPriya.A2 ,V. Vishnu Priya3


Abstract: Numerous viral infections have arisen and affected global healthcare facilities. Millions of people were at severe risk of acquiring several evolving viral infections through several factors, Covid- 19 being one of the most popular ones requiring more efforts to control its spread. During the epidemic period of coronavirus diseases, appropriate oral health management and disease prevention of children is very important for children’s oral and general health. In order to prevent the occurrence of cross-infection and epidemic spreading of Covid- 19 during dental practice, the recommendation to parents include making them hand hygiene at home and include proper oral care habits. Covid-19is a global human disaster presented with an emphasis on disturbing mental health aspects of the ongoing pandemic. According to the cross-sectional study, two weeks after the occurrence of Covid-19 in chin almost 40% of the affected youth were proven to have psychological problems, it is suggested that this is likely the zoonotic origin of Covid-19. Person to person transmission of Covid-19 infection led to the isolation of patients that were subsequently administered a variety of treatments, Extensive measures to reduce person to person transmission of Covid- 19 have been implemented to control the current outbreak.

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