Online ISSN: 2515-8260

IgE Reactivity to Latex in sera of Indian Patients: An Original Research

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Dr. Heena Tiwari1 ,Dr. Harshada Inamdar2 ,Dr. Rahul VC Tiwari3 ,Dr. Anil Managutti4 ,Dr Rakhi Bharat5 ,Dr. J. Sreedevi6


Aim: The purpose of our research was to assess and analyse IgE cross-reactivity in Indian patients sera in relation to latex extract. Methodology: Sera from 27patients with latex allergy and control sera from nonsensitive individuals were studied for latex-specific IgE antibodies. Two antigen preparations were used from different rubber tree saps. All patients had skin prick test results that were positive to latex antigens, and all sera were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with the various antigens. Results: There were considerable differences in the reactivity of patient sera with the different antigens. Only 50% of the sera from patients with later allergy demonstrated significant levels of IgE to later as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Conclusion: The results indicate that reagents such as rubber tree sap, which contain multiple clinically significant antigenic components, should be included in evaluation of latex allergy and that differences in patient populations may result in serologic variances.

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