Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Zilola Mavlyanova,Gulnoza Burkhanova,Maftuna Ravshanova,Sardor Makhmudov ,Sanzhar Kholboyev


Abstract. This article discusses severe forms of cerebral palsy in children of different ages and the development of anemia in these children, and iron supplements are needed to treat such children (III). The lack of data on this disease and the effect of ferric iron preparations on the course and prognosis of infantile cerebral palsy served as the relevance of the study. The aim of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of ferric iron (Emfer) preparations on the course and prognosis of infantile cerebral palsy. Materials and research methods. To achieve this goal, the results of treatment of 67 sick children with severe cerebral palsy were analyzed. Children age from 2 to 17 years old. All patients were ranked by age groups in accordance with the age classification with the GMFCS scale: up to 2 years old - 9 children (13.43%), 2-3 years old - 11 children (16.4%), 4-6 years old - 18 children (26.8%), 7-12 years old - 15 children (22.38%), 13-17 years old - 14 children (20.9%). The study group was divided into 3 subgroups of motor deficit according to the GMFCS scale: level 3 - 16 children (23.88%), level 4 - 20 children (29.85%), level 5 - 31 children (46.27%). All patients were divided into 2 groups - the main group - 38 children (56.71%, age - 11.04 ± 6.3 years), for whom anemia was corrected using the Emfer preparation based on ferric iron, and the comparison group - 29 children (43.29%, age - 12.06 ± 5.1 years), who were treated without iron supplements. Research results. As a result of the study, it was found that the following syndromes were: oppression in the study group - 26 (68.23%), neuro-reflex excitability - 5 (15.30%), convulsive - 7 (21.17%). In the comparison group, depression syndrome - 20 (70.77%), neuro-reflex excitability - 5 (16.92%) and convulsive - 4 (12.31%). In both groups, the prevalence of depression syndrome was established in the structure of adaptation disorders. The work confirmed that diseases of the peripheral nervous system are manifested by a syndrome of motor disorders, the most important characteristic of which is muscle tone. Disorders of muscle tone (hypertonicity, hypotonia, dystonus) were observed in most of the studied groups. In patients with cerebral palsy in the self-service category, after the developed rehabilitation measures, it increased 2.3 times, in the category of communication (12 times), play activity (4.5 times), orientation (3.8 times), movement (3.3 times) ) Conclusions: The performed complex of rehabilitation measures helps to reduce pathological reflexes, improve anthropometric indicators in the dynamics of observation, which has a beneficial effect on the outcome of the disease in children with neuro-motor disorders.

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