Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Role Of Gandhakadi Malahara In Dadru - A Conceptual Study

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1Laxmi Kirana Pallathadka, 2*Harikumar Pallathadka


Abstract Ayurveda describes Dadru as one of the most common skin diseases. Twak Sharir is an essential concept in Ayurveda. Twak Sharir is defined in Ayurvedic literature as having different types of Kushtha depending on the layers of skin. Dadru is a form of Kushtha that primarily affects the fourth layer of the skin's six layers. Dadru's clinical manifestation is closely linked to local fungal/tinea infection, which affects up to 15% of the population, according to modern science. Excessive severe itching and ring-shaped red patches are the common manifestations that Darshana and Prashana Pariksha can diagnose. Management includes Shodhan, Shaman and Bahirparimarjan Chikitsa. Among them, Shaman measures in the form of Lepa (topical applications) are widely prescribed. In the present study, Gandhakadi Malhar is selected as a Topical application.

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