Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Telemedicine: Need of hour; Effectiveness of telemedicine or m health in management of patients during the pandemic of COVID-19

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Dr. Ajit Kumar,Dr. Pranita


By the end of December 2019, the world has witnessed arrival of a new virus, SARS-Covid 19, the novel corona virus from the city of Wuhan, China. After causing havoc in China, it speeded to each corner of the world. With over 36 lakh cases across the world, corona virus has already claimed around 2.3 lakh lives worldwide, according to data collected by agencies like world meter and WHO. (1) On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern. With introduction of this illness in India with case reported on 30th Jan 2020, it is on a rise since then. However, to control and confine the disease Indian government had taken many measures including national wide lockdown from 24th March 2020.

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