Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Turnover Intentions In Private Sector Employees Due To Covid-19 Arisen Lockdown In India

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Ravish Verma1 , Dr. Manish Gupta2


Abstract: Worker participation in management is always the key success factor for the satisfaction of the employee, an employee which is participating in the major decisions of the business will feel motivated and contribute much to the wellbeing of the business and the important affairs related to it but watching the current scenario, the decisions are basically taken by top-level management without consulting to the middle or lower-level management so as all the crucial factors will be in control of the top-level management and nothing will be discussed with the middle and lower level management. As it is very much and clear that till how much time this crisis will go on they are assuring but researchers around the globe they are testing the antidote for COVID-19 and they are sharing their valuable inputs throughout the world so that more and more scientist and researchers will contribute to that thing. The governments will take some appropriate steps to work for the benefit of business houses and to lift the unnecessary fixed charges with the business houses are paying to the government like the electricity, the bank interest loans, the taxes they have to pay during the time of lockdown. This will give an immunity booster to the business houses and they will also give the necessary benefit to their employees which are the Human Assets for any company. As it is very much and clear that till how much time this crisis will go on they are assuring but researchers around the globe they are testing the antidote for COVID-19 and they are sharing their valuable inputs throughout the world so that more and more scientist and researchers will contribute to that thing. The governments will take some appropriate steps to work for the benefit of business houses and to lift the unnecessary fixed charges with the business houses are paying to the government like the electricity, the bank interest loans, the taxes they have to pay during the time of lockdown. This will give an immunity booster to the business houses and they will also give the necessary benefit to their employees which are the Human Assets for any company.

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