Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Validity And Reliability Test For Research Instruments Regarding Health Professional Student Satisfaction Towards Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Kulsum Kulsum1 , Taufik Suryadi


In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the strategies carried out to break the chain of transmission, one of which is by limiting social activities. A physical distancing policy has also been created which causes the face-to-face teaching and learning process to be transformed into an online learning system. Research is needed on the factors that can affect the satisfaction of health professional students related to online learning which requires valid instruments to answer research problems. The aim of study is determining the content validity of the questionnaire as a research instrument on the factors that influence health professional student satisfaction with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The content validity of the instrument was carried out on 52 statement items by 7 experts. The validated instrument is an online questionnaire which refers to and adopts and modifies the questionnaire used by Pei-Chen Sun. The results of the validation of the 52 statement items obtained S-CVI/Ave by 7 experts of 0,953, SCVI/Ave based on I-CVI of 0,945, S-CVI/UA of 0,731. Initial CVI of 0.890, but 4 items were eliminated, there were 48 statement items used as a research instrument with a final CVI of 0.935. The reliability test results obtained a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value is 0.912. Calculating CVR, CVI and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ensures that the questionnaire used as a research instrument is valid and reliable to assess the factors that influence health professional student satisfaction with online learning during the COVID19 pandemic

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