Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Decision Based Unsymmetrical Trimmed Modified Winsorized Geometric Mean for the Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise in Images

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Sahithi K1 , Ravalika B1 , Triveni A1 , Rishitha K 1 , Vasanth K1 , Marish Kumar P2 , Srinivasan K S 3


A Decision Based Unsymmetrical trimmed modified Winsorized Geometric mean is proposed for heavily corrupted images. The proposed Algorithm uses a Fixed 3x3 window for increasing noise densities. The algorithm replaces the corrupted pixel with mean of the 4 neighbours or Unsymmetrical trimmed Modified Geometric mean or mean of the window. The use of modified Winsorized Geometric mean provided a better noise elimination characteristic than many Existing algorithms. The Algorithm Exhibits very good noise eliminating capability with improved edge preservation even at very high noise densities.

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