Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Descriptive Analysis For Tlc And Rbc For Type 2 Diabetic

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Chandra Sekhar A.1*, Bhanu Prakash G.2 , Sesha Pavani G.3


Red cell distribution (RDW) width has been established as being affected in patients with diabetes, especially with poor glycemic control. Further, studies have shown that there is a certain degree of anemia, even in young males with type 2 diabetes, as associated to healthy volunteers. High RDW designates impairment of erythropoiesis, reflecting chronic inflammation and increased levels of oxidative stress. In this study, the mean HB was 12.81 mg/dl with 95% CI of 12.56 -13.07, which reflects mild anemia. A mean Hb of 11.17±4.42 g/dl in diabetics as compared to 14.11 g/dl in the nondiabetic Indian population. The mean MCV in this study population was 84.52 fl while the mean MCH was 27.59 pg, which are within normal limits, indicating that the anemia observed is probably a normocytic normochromic anemia due to chronic disease. In the present study, the mean RDW was 13.76 (95% CI 13.45-13.95) in the study population. This study also observed that Red cell distribution width (RDW) was meaningfully higher in diabetic patients than in control subjects.

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