Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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A Prospective Research to Study the Response to Standard Chemotherapy among Acute Leukaemia Patients in Central India at a Tertiary Health Care Centre.

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Renu Mishra1 , Pradeep Sharma2


Introduction: Leukemias (>95% of which are acute) constitute the most common diagnostic group of childhood cancers worldwide, and in India. Remarkable progress has been made in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) which constitute 75–80% of childhood acute leukemiaswith 5‐year overall survival rate reaching 90% in the high‐income countries. Aim: study the response to standard chemotherapy among acute leukaemia patients in central India at a tertiary health care centre. Methodology: Cases for the study collected from Sri Aurobindo Medical College and PG Institute Hospital wards attached to Department of Medical Oncology. The study comprises 106 cases of acute leukaemia. Study period was from November 2015 to November 2017. Results: At 4 months the mean Hb in AML patients was 10.4gm%(7-11gm%) while WBC were mean-5547 (4000-17800/cmm), peripheral blasts were 1.73% (0%-20%),platelets mean being 168564 (80000 -202000/cmm)

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