Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study to asses pulse oximetry as a screening tool for detecting congenital heart disease

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Mahtab Alam, Manjunath GM, Gowhar Iqbal Wani, Dr. Nikhil Gupta


Background: The incidence of congenital heart defect is 8-10/1000 live-births according to various reports from the different parts of the world.3 this incidence has remained constant worldwide.4 It is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in infants worldwide. These account for about 30% of the total congenital abnormalities. Neonates with CHD presents with low oxygen saturation which can be screened with the help of pulse oximetry. Pulse oximetry is an easy and non-invasive method for measuring arterial oxygen saturation in newborns with a high level of accuracy.

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