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Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Supraspinatus tendinitis or painful arc syndrome occurs in the shoulder. The shoulder joint owes its stability to the rotator cuff muscles which are four small muscles locatedaround theshoulderjointwhichhelpmovement,butimportantlytheirtendonsstabilizetheheadofthe humerus within the joint capsule[1].One of the most common overuse injuries that occur in the upper limb issupraspinatus tendinitis. Supraspinatus tendinitis is caused by repeated stress or over use injury[2].Tendinitis andpartialtearsinthesupraspinatustendoncausesa“painfularc“sinceasthepersonelevates hisarmsideways,thetendonbeginstoimpingeundertheacromionthroughthemiddlepartof the arc and this is usually relieved as the arm reaches 180[3].