Online ISSN: 2515-8260

An Anatomical Study Of Situs Inversus Totalis

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S.Nirmala1 , E. Prithiviraj 2 , G. Sumathy* , B.Chezhian


Situs inversus is a short form of Latin phrase ā€œsitusinversusviscerumā€ which means transposition of internal organs from its normal anatomical position. Usually the anomaly results from mechanical disturbance during the rotation of the gut during its development and when it is associated with dextrocardia, it is termed as Situs InversusTotalis. The routine dissection revealed heart in the right side (dextrocardia), stomach was on right side, the liver in the left side .left lobe of liver was bigger than the right. The gall bladder was present on the visceral surface of the left lobe of liver, duodenum on left side, pancreas and spleen were on the right side. We hereby report a rare case of situsinversustotalis as clinicians may be aware and give due importance of any case of right sided chest pain and conduct proper investigations to diagnose such rare anomalies.

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