Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Assessment of nutritional status and response among stroke Patients: a Suggested Nutritional Brochure

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DR. Nagwa A., Mohamed -PHD, Dr. Madeha Ali Mohamed, Dr.Zuhair M Mohammedsaleh


Background: Malnutrition is frequently observed in patients with acute stroke and during the rehabilitation period. Malnutrition is associated with poor outcome in these patients. This study aimed to assess nutritional status and response among stroke patients and developing a suggested nutritional brochure. Research design: A Descriptive cross-sectional research design has been utilized in the present study. Sample: Purposeful samples of 60 adult patients have stroke their age ranged from 16 to 83 years old both sex (male and females). Setting: Neurological department of Assuit university hospital. Tools of Data Collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire sheet including two parts; patients' socio-demographic data and patients' responses to malnutrition. Results: more than half two-thirds of studied patients were males, married, lived in rural areas, and more than half of them (55%) their ages more than 55 years with a mean of (54.2 ± 19.0 years). More than two-thirds of patients (66.7%) were suffering from Stroke/brain hemorrhage. The majority of them were bound in bed or wheelchair but they have not experienced any psychological illness or acute illness during the last three months and have not bed ulcer or skin dissection. There was a statistically significant difference between age, diagnoses, marital status and (the movement and ways to eat). Conclusion: There was a positive response of stroke patients to malnutrition. The study recommendations: Application of the suggested nutritional brochure on stroke patients and evaluating their nutritional status and their response after the application

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