Submit your articles to the African Journal of Biomedical Research, active in Scopus Q3 and Clarivate Web of Science Zoological Records. Click here to submit your manuscript.
Volume 7 (2020) | Issue 10
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Background:Experimental studies have confirmed the probability of changes in some carbohydrate and protein metabolism indicators during dichloromethane intoxication under the conditions of noise and vibration. It is necessary to use Phytotea’ Gepalyuks’ with potassium for prevention and treatment by correcting metabolic processes to avoid the adverse effects of physical and chemical factors on the body. Objective: Experimental study of the effectiveness of phytotea “Gepalyuks” and potassium on carbohydrate energy metabolism of the liver and blood under the influence of chemical and physical factors. Methods: The experiments were conducted on 98 purebred white rats - males weighing 160-180 years, contained in vivarium’s usual diet. Animals were divided into control and experimental groups. Control animals received an equivalent volume of drinking water, food and were kept in vivarium conditions. Animals of the experimental group were divided into two groups: The first group was intragastrically injected 10% of oiled dichloromethane solution in the dose of 1/20 LD50 (255 mg/kg) in conditions of noise (tape recording) at the level of 95- 105 dBA and vibration of 5-16 dBA during 90 days. The second group, together with intragastric administration of 10% oily solution of dichloromethane in a dose of 1/20 LD50 (255 mg/kg), was administered a decoction of phytotea “Gepalyuks”(1 ml of phytotea per 100 g of animal body weight) in conditions of noise exposure (tape recording) at the level of 95-105 dBA and vibration of 5-16 dBA during 90 days. Phytotea “Gepalyuks” consists of immortelle sand flower, yarrow herb, licorice root, peppermint leaves, corn snouts, and rosehip fruit. Animals were slaughtered on 15, 30, 60 and 90 days from the beginning of the experience. We took the liver, blood and determined biochemical indicators of carbohydrate, protein, and pigment metabolism for research. We studied some carbohydrate energy metabolism indicators to study the effectiveness of phytotea“Gepalyuks” and potassium orotate under chronic exposure to dichloromethane, noise and vibration.