Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Clinical Characteristics Of CH Patients: A Prospective Study

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1Dr. Dilip Nagarwal, 2Dr. Munesh Kumar, 3Dr. Shivlal Meena, 4Dr. Pankaj Kumar Saini


Introduction: Because of incorrect diagnosis, cluster headache (CH), the rarest and most excruciating of all primary headaches, continues to be poorly handled. Correct diagnosis and targeted treatment are required. There aren't many research on CH, and none are from this area. Materials and Methods: to research the comprehensive clinical profile of CH patients and to contrast them between the sexes. The JLN Medical College and Associated Hospital in Ajmer, Rajasthan, conducted the study (from May 2021 to December 2022). 28 CH patients with diagnoses made in accordance with International classification of Headache disorderIII (ICHD III). All patients underwent standard examinations and brain MRIs. The results of all measurements were presented as meanĀ± SD. The Chi square test was used to compare categorical variables, while the Student's t test was used to evaluate continuous variables. The significance level for statistical analysis was established at P = 0.05 using SPSS for Windows, Version 21.0. Results: M: F ratio was 13:1. Age at presentation was from 18-65 years (mean - 39 years).Mostly patients suffered from episodic CH.Pain was unilateral in 96.4%, predominantly over frontal region-22 (78.6%). Pain quality was bursting in 22 (78.6%). Among autonomic features, conjunctival injection & lacrimation-25 (89.3%) were most common. Restless was found in 90.5% of patients. Circadian periodicity for attacks was noted in 11 (39.3%). Conclusion: Results are generally in line with those of other studies, although they differ from Western studies as in our study familial history, chronicity of CH are less common. It is crucial to have a thorough history because incorrect diagnoses are frequently made.

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