Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Clinical Profile of Pregnant Patients With Acute Kidney Injury; Single Center Study

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Ahmed Noaman Elsayed1 , Amir Mohammed Elokely2 , Mohammed Fouad Ahmed3 , Tareq M. Elbehedy4


Abstract: Background: A sudden decline of renal function occurring during pregnancy or postpartum is defined as Pregnancy-related acute kidney injury (PRAKI) includes all the causes not only the obstetric one. The incidence and etiology of PRAKI varies greatly between different regions. Data for the prevalence and prognosis cannot be interpreted without taking into account the geographic and economic context of the country in which they have been obtained. In developed countries, obstetric AKI has become a rare complication of pregnancy. However, in developing countries, AKI remains a frequent and grave complication of pregnancy. Aim: to demonstrate the demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristic of the pregnant women with AKI. Materials and Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out among pregnant women who were admitted to obstetrics & gynecology department in collaboration with nephrology unit in internal medicine department during a six months. This study is a part of a large study on the prevalence and outcome of AKI in pregnancy by the same authors in the same center that will be published soon. The demographic, clinical and laboratory data was obtained and analyzed Results: During the period of the study, a total of 4130 obstetric cases were admitted to the hospital. In total, 33 patients met the diagnostic criteria of pregnancy related acute kidney injury. The mean age of the patients was 29 ± 4.58 years, and gestational age was 31.46 ± 6.34 weeks. Eleven of the 33 women (21%) were primiparous and twelve of them (79%) were multipara. There was a significant findings between the patients who were suffering from hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (Group 1) and who didn’t suffer (Group 2) as regarding low hemoglobin level and low arterial blood pressure and in group 2, while group 1 showed higher uric acid level and low albumin level with a significant finding.

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