Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Clinical study of birth injuries in the new born at a tertiary care hospital

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Dr. Anish Kumar


The majority of pregnancies result in the birth of a mature vigorous infant showing little evidence of any untoward effects from the stress of labour and delivery. Nevertheless about 5-10% of births are accompanied by signs suggestive of fetal distress during labour and even a higher percentage by depression of the newborn infant, indicating that this phase of intra uterine life is not without potential danger. The study consists of 100 cases of birth trauma noticed among 850 consecutives viable birth during the study period of 1½ years. Proforma contains the details of the health status of the mother, antenatal, intranatal and postnatal particulars including the age, sex, weight, mode of delivery, type of presentation and nature of the birth injury in different modes of delivery and type of presentations of the baby. 29% of babies delivered during the study period had signs of asphyxia. Apgar scoring was the basis for asphyxia. Cephalohematoma was noted in 32 cases (3.76%), 4 (0.47%) of the babies had neurological injuries. Among facial nerve palsy 4 (0.47%), subaponeurotic hemorrhage was noted in only one baby. No fractures were noted among the babies.

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