Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Clinical Study of Macular Oedema

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Dr. Neha Shankar Shetty, Dr. Vijay Hari Karambelkar, Dr. Girish Arun Gadre


Aim: To study the clinical profile, etiology and various patterns of Macular Oedema. Materials & Methods: A cross sectional case study was done from December 2018 to May 2020 at Krishna institute of medical sciences, Karad. Detailed history and examination of the patients done including Amsler Grid, Color Vision using Ishihara’s Chart and Slit lamp 90D examination and dilated fundoscopy. Pattern of macular oedema was evaluated and subsequently documented using Fundus camera, OCT and FFA. Depending on history, clinical findings and investigations cases classified based on etiology and presenting patterns. Result: Amongst the 60 participants there was a male to female ratio of 2.53 :1 with a mean age of 60 years. Most common etiology in unilateral cases was BRVO (31%) and in bilateral cases was DM (62%) Most common OCT pattern found was CYSTOID (62%) with most common cause was DIABETES in 22 eyes (44%). Most common FFA pattern in diabetic patients was found to be MIXED in 18 eyes (64.29%) Most cases with retinal vein occlusion had Hypertension as an associated risk factor (93%) Conclusion: Damage to the macula has an immediate effect on the central visual acuity and may substantially affect a patients quality of life. It is reversible if diagnosed early and treated. If left untreated, its scar can cause permanent vision loss. By correlating results from fundoscopy, optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography fluid accumulation within the macula can be confirmed.

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