Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Craniometry in Central India – An anthropometric study

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Dr. Yuganti Prabhakar Vaidya1 , Dr. Vishnu Pal2 , Dr. Prashant Chaware3


lds like forensic medicine, plastic surgery, oral surgery and dentistry and for diagnostic purpose Aims: to investigate the cranial index values anthropometrically and to contributing to the existing data. Settings and Design: cross sectional study done in Department of Anatomy, People’s College of Medical Sciences, Bhopal Methods and Material: Craniometry of thirty skulls (normal, fully mature, devoid of any fractures or damages) were done using caliper, scale, and marker Statistical analysis used: mean, standard deviation and frequency were found using Microsoft excel and graph pad prism software. Results: In present study, prominent categories based on various indices were mesocranial, cryptozygy, metriocrane, orthocrane, mesene, and sthenometopia. Conclusions: the finding of the present study varied from previous studies from other countries. It is recommended that various studies across various regions using various techniques with larger sample size.

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