Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Depression – A cause for Male Infertility

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Dr. Jibi Varghese T.1,2 , Dr. Vaishali Deshpande 3 , Dr. Manna Mathew4 , Dr. Shreelakshmi S.5


Infertility or a couple being unable to conceive a child can cause significant mental unhappiness. State of mind has been identified as having a influence on health. Men’s reproductive health may also be affected by their social environment. Emotional stress and depression can interfere with certain hormones needed to produce healthy sperms. In addition it may cause sexual dysfunction due to reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, delayed or inhibited ejaculation. Severe and prolonged emotional stress and depression can affect the sperm count and its quality. Ayurveda and yoga together can well manage this condition.

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