Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Diabetes And Periodontal Diseases

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Dr. Tharangini. M,Dr.Ramya ,M.D.S.


ABSTRACT: Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the tooth supporting structures, which requires life-long management involving self-care by the affected individuals, and professionally delivered care from dental professionals. Diabetes is a major risk factor for the development of periodontal disease in certain populations. Type 1 (formerly insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) and type 2 diabetes have been shown to be major risk factors for the development of periodontal disease in certain populations. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed after the age of 30 years and is observed frequently as part of a multifaceted syndrome that includes obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This report is to describe the clinical characteristics of periodontal disease and the impact of type 2 diabetes on these parameters.

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