Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Mamata Swain, Binati Behera


Objective: To revealed the effect of beetroot juice onan expansionof Hb levelon adolescent girls andto evaluate the association between Hb levelwith a selected demographic variable. Method:It is a true experimental study withanevaluative approach that was adopted and the study was based on the conceptual framework of J. W. Kenny’s Open System Model. The sample of 46 GNM students was divided into 23 in each experimental and control group. Data collected by using socio-demographic variable and nutritional status of them. The tool was validated by verifying it with a different expert from professionals of medical science, nursing science, and statistician. Result:In the present study among the total sample of both experimental and control group majority of girls that are 41 (89.13%) wasthe age of 17-19 years, 29 girls (63.04%) were from the Hindu religion. Majority of the girls that was 27 (58.69%) had family income between 1- 2.5 lakh, 29 girls (63.05%) had BMI between 18.5-24.9, most of the girls, 27 came from a joint family that is 58.70%, among them, 23(50%) had regular Menstrual cycle of 28-30 days. Most of the girls, 22(47.82%) of the duration of Menstruation is 3-5 days/month. Among them, 19 girls (41.31%) had normal menstrual bleeding Parten and 30 girls (65.22%) were non-vegetarian. In the pre-test it shows that girls ofthe Experimental group were 13(56.53%) normal, 7(30.43%) mild anemia, 3 (13.04%) of them are in moderate anemia. In the control group, 10(43.48%) were normal, 7(30.43%) were in mild anemia, 6 (26.09%) of them were in moderate anemia. After the intervention in the Post-test level of hemoglobin in young ladies of the Interventional group was 17(73.92%) were in normal, 4(17.39%) were in mild anemia, 2(8.69%) were in moderate anemia. In control group 10(43.48%) girls were in normal, 8(34.79%) were in mild anemia, 5(21.73%) were in moderate anemia. In the pretest, the degree of hemoglobin among girls in the Interventional group was Mean 9.68 and SD 2.54 and in post-test mean score was 11.20 and SD 0.56. the mean difference among preand post-test was 1.97. The paired “t” value was 9.67 which was high than the tabulated value. There was an association between the level of Hb with BMI, Menstrual cycle, duration of bleeding, and type of diet as the tabulated value which is 5.991 at P value less than 0.05. Thus, there was no noteworthy relationship among the level of hemoglobin with the socio-demographic variables such as Religion, family income, and amount of bleeding at P<0.05. Conclusion: The researcher concluded that Beetroot juice can help to increase the Hb level effectively

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