Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Empowerment Of Health Care And Community To Improve Mother And Children's Health (Mch) In Demak Gaji Village

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Rita Kartika Sari1 , Tjatur Sembodo2 , Imam Djamaluddin3 , Qathrunnada Djam’an4 , Purwito Sugeng5 , Agus Supriyono6 , Dede Mahdiyah7


ABSTRACT: The health problems experienced by the people and people of Indonesia are still not successful in achieving "Healthy Indonesia" as desired in the National LongTerm Development Plan. Issues Gaji villagers still do not fully give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies, do antenatal care during pregnancy, monitor the growth and development of their sons and daughters especially the first 1000 days of life (HPK) greatly determine the growth and development, which if not heeded would risk stunting, providing basic immunization complete, provide complementary foods properly, do family planning, there are still those who have not utilized primary health facilities and do not understand the healthy paradigm emphasized by the government of society that still tends towards curative and not oriented to preventive and promotive. The venue for the training was in Demak Gaji Village Hall. The time of the training was on November 11, 2018. Participants in the community training, youth groups, and health cadres of the Salak Demak Village were 58 people. The method of implementing activities using a group-based method is carried out comprehensively, starting from coordinating with policy makers in the Gaji village, approaching and coordinating with the community and health cadres, MCH education and mentoring, providing training and discussion materials, community service team activities carried out in a measurable and the monev process to measure the achievement of targets and outcomes, through the role of Posyandu cadres and the community so as to improve the health status of the community. The results of this training community and health cadres get knowledge and insights about exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, antenatal care, family planning, complementary foods, growth monitoring, healthy paradigm towards a prosperous family, utilization of primary health facilities towards a healthy family, so that with the participation of cadres health can increase the level of public health in the Gaji village, cadres are long-standing health centers so that people are increasingly aware of the importance of maternal and child health.

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