Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Formulation And Evaluation Of Tetanus Toxoid-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Particles

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Kavita Rani1 , Amit Kumar J. Raval2 , Dinesh Kaushik3 , Rajesh Khathuriya4


Abstract: Nanotechnology is regarded as the most imminent technology of 21st century and is contemplated as a big boon in the cosmetic industry. In the present investigation, nonaggregated cationic and unmodified nanoparticles (TT-C-NLPs10 and TTNLPs1) were prepared .In addition, spherical shape, crystalline architecture and cationic charge were also noticed. Furthermore, integrity and conformational stability of TT were maintained as evidenced by symmetrical position of bands and superimposed spectra, in SDS-PAGE and circular dichroism.

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