Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Futuristic Design of Breath to Voice Conversion Technology for Dumb People

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1.Mr S.Pradeep Kumar Reddy , 2P.Narseen , 3 .Ms Anvitha Erlinda, 4J.Sudha Devim,


According to 2011 statistics, in India itself there are about 2.21% of people who are suffering with various types of disabilities. One among these is speech disability. This includes those who could not speak, speak only with limited words or with loss of voice. There are also people whose speech is difficult to understand because of defects such as stammering, nasal voice, hoarse voice, discordant voice, articulation defects, etc. It is very difficult for a person with speaking disability to communicate about their basic needs to other persons. This is especially true for a person under medical diagnosis. At that instant, he or she needs some support from who can understand what they are trying to communicate. A lot of work is being carried out to help such people to convey their feeling, which can be easily understood to others. In this paper, an idea has been proposed where by the person makes use of his breath to communicate his feeling to others. Based on the variations in the breath a voice message is send to the person who is taking care of him. This helps the care taker to understand the person’s feelings and proceed according to his needs.

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