Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Garbage Collection Robot and Monitoring System Using Wireless Communication

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Thota Arun1 , Divyavani K1 , Boini Varun1 , Peter Moshe1 , K.Vasanth1 , P.Marish Kumar2 , Srinivasan K S3


The Proposed System is to collect the garbage and also monitor the garbage level as well as the moisture content present in the bin .The line follower is an autonomous robot that detects and follows a line. The path may be visible like a black line on a white surface or vice versa. The proposed system uses different sensors in order to acquire the data. The project uses an Arduino UNO board as the central control unit .Here we use an ultrasonic sensor for monitoring the garbage level in the dustbin and the moisture content of the waste is provided with the use of moisture sensor. At the same time the buzzer starts making sound indicating the bin is full. The system has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which provides an information about the amount of garbage present in the bin. We also used ESP8266 wi-fi module so that we can access our web page where the data is recorded and stored with the help of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and here the data gives the information about the percentage of garbage level and moisture content present in the bin. The web page get updated for every 10seconds. Hence, the user can monitor the garbage level and moisture status from anywhere. An IR sensor is used for following path .In manual mode using Blynk app we can control the locomotion of the robot which is connected using Bluetooth Module. When the garbage is filled the robot starts moving towards the destination through a predefined path and with the help of human the waste is then dumped to the garbage collection area. Here we are using toggle switch where the user is required to select the Automatic or Manual Mode initially. Hence this proposed system gives accurate results and can be operated in both Automatic and Manual Mode.

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