Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Globalization Challenges Of Micro Small And Medium Enterprises

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Maya Utami Dewi1 , Ani Mekaniwati2 , Yulia Nurendah3 , PanduAdi Cakranegara4 , Abdul Samad Arief5


Globalization has become a concept often used to describe contemporary world phenomena. The globalization phase is marked by the process of integrating the national economy into an economic system based on the belief in free trade. Efforts to smooth the way of integration are pursued by changing all policy rules that prevent globalization actors, especially transnational companies (TNCs) from operating in the form of production, market and investment expansion. The logic of free trade is constructed by basing the assumption that a country's economic growth will be achieved when there is the superiority of free markets and individual liberty.In the era of economic globalization, we will witness how goods, industry and services from one country freely and freely penetrate other countries' territories. Thus, technical and cultural obstacles that have been carried out by each country to protect the economy of their own country must be suppressed and minimized as low as possible.

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