Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Impact Of Global Warming On Biological Systems: Drosophila As A Tracking Organism.

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Dr.Pratheeba J Assistant Professor1 , Dr. Dayanithi B S Assistant Professor2


ABSTRACT There is an elevation in the average temperature of the planet earth from about 0.3°C to about 0.6 °C and moreover in the last century there is rise in the sea level to about 4 to 10 inches. These changes are result of various anthropogenic activities like greenhouse gases, which persuade alternations in the environment, biodiversity and natural resources. Due to the rise in the temperature, there is rise in diseases and it influences the insects to get established in the northern region. Changes in climatic conditions causereduction in size and fragmentation of population and the population get`s segregated.In this review article, we tried to pile up the discernable effects of climate change.

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