Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Information Management of State Civil Apparatus in Achieving Merit System (A Study at the Regional Civil Service Agency of East Java Province)

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Nurkholis1 , Soesilo Zauhar2 , MR. Khairul Muluk3 , Endah Setyowati4


Abstract: The role of digitalization reflects transformative solutions to social pressure, economy, politics, environment, and others, forcing the government as one that runs public organizations to be involved in it. Digitalization is required to be able to embrace all aspects of the public, one of which is the aspect of employment. The Regional Civil Service Agency innovation system of East Java Province is an implication of the Human Resources Management information system in realizing a merit system under the mandate of Law number 5 of 2014. This research aims to describe digitalization theory, human resource and capital management, and merit systems This is library research. Data are collected from supporting books related to digitalization theory, human resource management, human capital resources, and merit systems. Data sources are journals, papers, theses, dissertations, and internet searches. Based on the results, this study argues that in digitizing services it is necessary to take measurements as Mergel, Edelmann, and Haug theory which include reasons for the digital transformation of objects, process, and results. The government needs to accommodate services in digital form so that aspects of service can be carried out effectively and efficiently.

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