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Volume 7 (2020) | Issue 10
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
In the presented studies, 60 samples of the collection material of spring soft wheat from the VIR collection and from the Bioresource collection of agricultural plants of the Kemerovo Research Institute of Agriculture, branch of the SFSCA RAS) were assessed. The selection valuable quantitative traits in the samples of spring-soft wheat were studied and the most adapted initial material of the conditions for the forest-steppe conditions of the forest-steppe registration of Siberia (Kuznetsk depression, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo district) in the conditions of 2015-2018 years was identified According to plant height, 17 samples of spring soft wheat with lodging resistance of 9 points (on a nine-point scale) were identified, including five with low variability of the trait: Altai 70 (KP-076, RF Barnaul) – 2,86%, Siberian Alliance (k-65242, Barnaul, Kemerovo) – 5,75%, AC Nonda (k-64562, Canada) – 7,70%, OmGAU 90 (k-65447, RF Omsk) – 8,33% , Valkeria (k-64552, RF Krasnoyarsk) – 8,86%. The height of plants largely determines the yield, r = 0,6011 and the elements of its productivity: the mass of 1000 grains r = 0,6580, the number of grains per ear, r = 0,6092, the mass of grain per ear, r = 0,5722 (R = 0,4821 Based on a set of features, the source material was selected for creating varieties of spring soft wheat with high adaptive properties (1000 grain weight, number of grains per ear, grain weight per ear): Biora (k-64358, Russian Federation Moscow), Ulgenya (KP-078), Karabalykskaya 89 (k-64702, Kazakhstan). Sources with high productivity were identified: Ulgenya (KP-078, RF Kemerovo) with a yield of 268,3 g /m2 , with the lowest variability according to experience – 19,0%. PM-83-17 (KP-072, RF Kemerovo) – 283,7 g/m2