Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Intravenous paracetamol versus dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: hemodynamic changes

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Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Deepak Vijay Kumar Kadlimatti, Dr. Salim Iqbal M, Dr. Renita Lincia, Dr. Harsoor SS


In laparoscopic surgeries, marked hemodynamic changes occur due to the effect of absorption, positioning of the patient, anesthetic agents and pneumoperitoneum. When the intra-abdominal pressure is < 10mmHg, hemodynamic alteration is not significant. Significant alteration in hemodynamics occurs, when the intra-abdominal pressure is > 10 mmHg after insufflation. When the intra-abdominal pressure is >10mmhg, it will cause inferior vena cava compression and pooling of blood in the lower extremities, which decreases the venous return to the heart thereby reducing the cardiac output. On receiving patient in operating room, the patient monitoring included electrocardiogram (ECG), noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP), heart rate (HR), oxygen saturation (SPO2).

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