Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Job satisfaction of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)

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Mr. Ramesh Bidari1 Dr. Suresh Kumar Ray2


Introduction: Job satisfaction of the ASHA worker naturally depends on the economically, social and cultural conditions. ASHA worker who cannot get a sufficient wage will face with the problem of maintaining his or her family’s life. This problem puts the ASHA worker far from being satisfied. ASHAs have expressed dissatisfaction with the incentives and expectations of better or regular pay in previous research studies. The aim of the study is to assess the level of job satisfaction among ASHA workers in rural areas in the selected districts of Maharashtra and to find association between levels of job satisfaction with selected demographic variables. Material and Methods: A quantitative survey approach with non experimental research design was used .The participants were ASHA workers who had consented to participate in the study. A total of 200 ASHA workers were selected through Non-Probability Purposive Sampling. Data was collected by using job satisfaction scale and categorized under High, Moderate and Low Satisfaction level. Data was analyzed by using descriptive &inferential statistics. In that frequency, mean, SD, & Chi square test were included. Results: Majority (58.5%) of ASHA workers had low job satisfaction level. 26% of them had moderate level of satisfaction and 15.5% of them had reported high level of job satisfaction. Age and Educational status were found to be associated with the level of satisfaction as Chi-square calculated value (Age, Educational status: 27.12, 50.08) was more than the table value (Age, Educational status: 23.98, 23.98). Conclusion: It is concluded that large number of ASHA workers were not satisfied with their working condition, incentives, workload, leave policy and there by not satisfied with their job. The study can be replicated on large samples on other health care professionals working in different districts of Maharashtra and across India.

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