Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Key words: Dexamethasone, Tube Drain, Third Molars

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Dr. Gaurav Kataria1 , Dr Preeti Juneja2


Background:Mammography is a widely used screening approach in the detecting of breast cancer and proved to help reduce the mortality effectively. D-dimer (or D dimer) is a fibrin degradation product (or FDP), a small protein fragment present in the blood after a blood clot is degraded by fibrinolysis. Hence; the present study was undertaken for assessing the d-dimer levels in carcinoma breast.Materials & methods:A total of 25 breast carcinoma patients were enrolled.Data was collected using self-structured Performa which consisted of detailed history, thorough examination, investigations and results. Blood venous samples (3 ml) were collected from all patients before any surgical intervention, and clinical staging was done. All the results were recorded and analysed using SPSS software. Results:Mean D Dimer levels were found to be 2.458 μg/mL.Mean D-Dimer levels among patients with and without lymph node involvement was 2.896 μg/mL and 1.354 μg/mL respectively. Significant results were obtained while comparing the mean D-Dimer levels among patients with and without lymph node involvement.Conclusion:D-dimer was found to be an independent predictive factor for lymph node metastasis. However; further studies are recommended.

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