Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Rukmani D1 , Anita Sofia Liz D R2 , John Sunil Manova3 , Satish Kumar R4


s time passes Disaster like natural calamities as well as human error may occur which affects people’s environment, in such kind of situations where communication plays a vital role in save lives. To derive that we have created Life CODE a communication module for rescue operations. CODE is IoT devices which is been placed on the drone that connect together to form simple mesh networks. The CODE utilizes a combined network of LoRa (Long Range) technology, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and sometimes other connectivity's. When the devices need to communicate with base station, they use LoRa, a long-range and power efficient radio protocol. Often a user will need to communicate with the CODE through text message and may use Wi-Fi. A networked cluster node - a CODE - is composed of several types of nodes: the CODEDrone, ”M”Device , ”C”Device .

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