Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Yazhlini P; Dr Jayalakshmi Somasundaram


Abstract AIM: This study aims to find out about life-saving advances in skin cancer treatment. INTRODUCTION: Skin malignant diseases are those that emerge from the skin. They are due to the development of abnormal cells that can invade and spread to different parts of the body there are three types of skin cancer- basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanomas. Hereditary factors strongly influence the risk factor of skin disease and malignant growth. Basal cell malignant growth develops gradually and can harm the tissue around it, however, it does not spread to distant areas or result in death. Squamous cell skin disease is bound to spread. Melanomas are the most aggressive. Although hereditary variables may have the least impact on skin management growth, most skin cancers are caused due to exposure to UV radiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Review of various scientific literature was done in preparation of the manuscript. Several databases were searched for relevant articles from pub med and Google scholar. Databases of individual journals were searched for keywords such as skin cancer, sunlight on skin cancer, treatment, advances, prevention etc. The exclusion criteria were case reports, review and studies in other languages. CONCLUSION: From the review, we can know about many recent advances for the cure of cancer. Personalised vaccines, cell therapy, gene editing and micro-treatment are newer technologies for treating cancer. In future cancer can also become a curable disease.

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